Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A little bit of fun

I'm trying to get the blog up-to-date so I am backtracking a bit and this the last event I did before officially starting on staff.

Sailing! It was God's way of blessing me in my transition.  The day was beautiful, there has been quite a lot of rain this summer here in Norway, so a day on the sea in the sun was quite a gift. 

It was a great day.  Norway is so beautiful.  Interesting fact: July is the holiday month because that is when the sun shines.  School summer holiday is only 7 weeks long (they have other breaks throughout the year though).  Since July is the time when everyone goes on holiday often churches close during that month or adjust to have services every other week, because so many, if not all the people go on some sort of holiday. 
So if you consider visiting me (and you should, hint, hint) and want sun, come in July.